Income Covering life’s expenses

Everyone needs a sustainable source of income to cover the expenses in their daily life – the bills for mortgage or rent, food, gas, Medicare premiums and whatever else are crucial. At Cornerstone Retirement Advisors, we help you to be prepared by addressing questions such as: How do I invest for growth? How can I build wealth and preserve my assets? And how much income can I take – and when?

INCOME planning requires the careful consideration of many factors – retirement expectations, longer life spans, ongoing financial responsibilities, healthcare expenses, cost-of-living increases, a reasonable and sustainable withdrawal rate and the changing makeup of your family.

In retirement, preserving your wealth and maintaining your LIFESTYLE are among your highest priorities. You aspire to stay in your home as long as you want and be able to leave behind the LEGACY you had envisioned. The possibility of living another 30 years or even more after you’ve stopped working takes careful planning and disciplined investing.

We will help you allocate investments into income-producing investments and examine lifetime income positions, such as annuities, pensions, insurances and Social Security to develop your personalized, tax-efficient plan for meeting your cash flow needs.

Also, as part of our more-encompassing retirement planning, we can help you with wealth management needs, such as income projections, distribution planning, insurance needs like life insurance and long-term care, and estate and legacy planning. We can also assist you with making required minimum distributions, proper account titling and beneficiaries, wealth transfer and charitable giving strategies.

We see your goals as an extension of our own and work tirelessly to help you achieve them.